busettt!!!!!! hpnya shou keren banget!!! gw naksir MAMPUS!! sayangnya cuma beredar di jpg toshiba tipe w54t kalo ga salah.... here is..
secara detilnya nehh..

sayang gw ga tau harganya.. :( **kirei**
"don’t forget baby. we keep the faith eternally"
wohoooo!!!!!!! awesome preview! loveloveloveMUCH!!! artistic single cover! makin cintrong ama ruki ce-es... x33
hoho. pas gw lgi liat foto foto gw ama kirei wktu di pantaiii.. gw nemu 2 org yg lgi pcaran dibalakang kita. mereka ikut kefoto tuh. liat deh yg dilingkaran merah ini :
ehm, well telat sehari nih.. but, its ok lah.. cekcekcek...
tanjoubi omedetou ruki!!!!!
hope you taller in your new age, and hope you more 'hotter' xDDD
love you, kirei