Minggu, 12 April 2009

i got it from meev myspace

hmm.. setelah berkunjung ke myspace meev, yg ada malah perasaan sedih+terharu+kagum *walah, banyak amat toh mba..* ..
coba kalian lihat disini
adduuuuuhh.. kok jadi sedih gitu ya? T^T

kagumnya, pas baca cuplikan diarinya niih

"As of March 14, 2009,
I got married with melody.

And this summer, our baby will be born.

Yeah,I'm gonna be a dad !!
(Who can believe it?)

Including the media reports, to all fans and everyone involved,
we are deeply sorry for all the trouble we may have caused.

This time, during the process of deciding to have a family,
I realized and re-learned a lot of things that I hadn't thought about in a while, like
the importance of facing others, and the precious value of love for my friends and family, and of course including you guys.

Just as everybody has the equal right to love and to be loved,
I think that happiness shouldn't only belong to just the two of us.

I think what would make us really happy is
if we can create a family and home in which we can
share our happiness with others around us."

wawawaaaaa.. meev emang GENTLE ! berani bertanggung jawab! hehe . supaya lebih lengkap klik disini yaaaa

0 komen, kalo ga mau ga usah!:

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